Harness the power and ultra-low latency of the Fortex Global Server Grid
XCLOUD is a newly created autonomous division, offering liquidity-agnostic and broker-neutral trading infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to support ALL trading platforms and ALL bridge middleware. We offer premium hosting of dedicated servers, virtual private servers (VPS), dark fiber connectivity, and sub-millisecond cross connects to your Liquidity Providers (LPs). Our fully redundant, carrier-class IT infrastructure is hosted in our private cages in Equinix NY4, LD5, and HK3.
- Hot-swap features on critical network servers and network infrastructure
- Full redundancy, combined with hot backup in Silicon Valley, California
- Your data is instantly recoverable, when necessary
- Carrier-class network with 480 Gbps throughput
- 24/6 Real-Time Support (English and Chinese)

You focus on your clients and your trading.
focuses on you.

NY4 New York IBX Data Center

LD5 London IBX Data Center

HK3 Hong Kong IBX Data Center
Dedicated Servers
XCLOUD offers premium Dedicated Servers hosted in
NY4 (New York), LD5 (London), and HK3 (Hong Kong)
Dell PowerEdge R430, 1U Rack Server Specifications:
- Intel C610 series chipset
- 2 x Intel Xeon 6-Core E5-26xx Series CPU w/Hyper-Threading
- 16GB RAM (DDR4-2133MHz)
- 2 x 400GB SSD (RAID 1 Array)
- 4 x 1GbE LAN on Motherboard (LOM) Network Controllers
- 2 x PCIe 3.0 Expansion Slots
- 2 x 550W Power Supply Units (PSU)
- IPMI 2.0 compliant / iDRAC8 Express Remote Management
- Operating System: Windows Server 2016 x64

Dedicated Servers include protection from malicious DDoS attacks, at no additional cost.
Virtual Private Servers (VPS)
Our Virtual Servers are hosted on the XCLOUD backbone for
the highest performance and lowest latency
- 4 x vCPU (Virtual CPU)
- 80GB SSD
- Operating System: Windows Server 2016 x64
Cross Connects
Connect directly with Liquidity Providers and Counterparties:
ensure highest availability and eliminate packet loss

Don’t see your Liquidity Provider (LP) listed?
Simply let us know, and we will add the connectivity you need.
Simply let us know, and we will add the connectivity you need.
MT4/MT5 Platform Support
Fortex XCLOUD is backed by our in-depth knowledge and experience in the MetaTrader MT4 and MT5 ecosystems
- MT4/MT5 Server: full initial installation and deployment
- MT4/MT5 existing server migration (move from current location to XCLOUD)
- Server management, including configuration, plug-ins, data feed install and upgrade
- Setup of your Watchdog/Backup Server, DataCenter Server, Disaster Recovery Server
- Fully supported disaster recovery and data restoration
- Server maintenance, including restart and update, data backup, archive and download
- Server monitoring, including running status, health check and stale quote detection/alert
- Windows server setup and maintenance including restart, update, data backup, and system monitoring